At the heart of the dPhish suite, lies Do-Phish – the driving force behind seamless phishing campaigns. Functioning as the orchestrator, Do-Phish initiates, monitors, and executes follow-up actions within these campaigns.
Primarily, Do-Phish is designed to unveil insights into an organization’s workforce cyber security awareness. This is accomplished by deploying a phishing campaign that emulates genuine threat actor tactics, mirroring real-world attack scenarios.
Do-Phish offers a unique journey through phishing campaigns, divided into two main parts. Phishing Simulation and Adversary Emulation.
Phishing Emulation

Experience the power of dPhish, where innovation meets cutting-edge security. Explore our platform’s unique advantages:
Pioneer of HID Campaigns: dPhish introduces the revolutionary support for HID campaigns, such as Rubber Ducky. Our solution generates personalized HID codes, equipped with tracking functionality to monitor user interactions.
Versatile Campaign Options: With dPhish, you can conduct diverse campaigns encompassing USB, HID, SMS, Email, and QR code simulations. This comprehensive approach empowers you to test your defenses against a range of attack vectors.
Seamless Adversary Emulation Integration: Elevate your training with dPhish’s seamless integration with the adversary emulation module. Choose from an array of 30 realistic attacks or leverage our comprehensive adversary emulation library of 170 attacks to enhance your employee preparedness.
Empowering AI with ChatGPT: Our platform integrates seamlessly with ChatGPT, allowing you to effortlessly generate phishing templates. Craft compelling and realistic scenarios that keep your team one step ahead of evolving threats.
Adversary Emulation
Introducing the Adversary Emulation Module of Do-Phish, a game-changing feature exclusive to our Phishing Simulation and Security Awareness platform. Here’s how it empowers your cybersecurity:
Advanced Assessment: We stand alone in offering this innovation, extending assessments beyond users to encompass technology too.
Comprehensive Attack Arsenal: With 170+ attack scenarios spanning attachments, URLs, and brand impersonation, you’ll measure the effectiveness of your email security controls with precision.
Effortless Execution: Execute and monitor these attacks with a single click, making comprehensive testing a breeze.
Realistic Scenarios: Each attack mimics real-world situations, ensuring your defenses are tested against the latest tactics employed by cyber threats such as Qbot, Fin7, Emotet and more!.